Pollee the urinal at Roskilde
Check out the movie about the responses to Pollee – our new female urinal at Roskilde Festival 2011.
Check out the movie about the responses to Pollee – our new female urinal at Roskilde Festival 2011.
We’ve been interviewing girls in our protytype zone at Roskilde Festival as well as given the option to comment on-line and through SMS. You can get an idea about what the girls think about Pollee and Peebetter in this small quote selection.
“Finally an alternative to the long queues!”
“Last night a pee saved my life!”
“It’s perfect.”
“It’s fast, it’s clean, it works.”
“It’s the best that you make gender equality. Thank you for making my festival better!”
“Would be better, if you could include paper.”
”This is a great initiative and more of these things should be installed next year.”
“Try installing a grate to prevent paper from being stuck”.